Gut Balancer - Improvements are amazing!
I have been using Nettex Gut Balancer for 5 days now and the improvements are amazing. My horse has been having loose droppings frequently recently and a stomach ache and it has cleared right up and his droppings are back to normal! He also gets gas colic a lot and he hasn’t had anything so far! The results really are FAB! Thank you. Hollie Gray, 16 year old show jumper.
I have been using Nettex Gut Balancer for 5 days now and the improvements are amazing. My horse has been having loose droppings frequently recently and a stomach ache and it has cleared right up and his droppings are back to normal! He also gets gas colic a lot and he hasn’t had anything so far! The results really are FAB! Thank you. Hollie Gray, 16 year old show jumper.