Autumn Top Tips
Where we are, the weather this summer has been good for grass growth. This has been great for the hay harvest but means we still have to be very careful with Henry and continue to watch his weight. It’s easy to take your eye of the ball after the spring flush but there is still plenty of goodness at this time of year. Another thing to remember is that September can also see a flush of growth so laminitis can be a risk.
This is where regular weight checks pay off as we noted Henry had “put on a few pounds” so we could take some steps to keep things under control. As we always weigh Henry’s hay nets, we were able to cut back his ration a little. We also manage the time he was out and ensure regular exercise.
I’m not sure he thanks us but it’s for his own good.
When it comes to grazing, it’s not just Henry where we have to take care. We moved all the horses from their spring paddocks onto fresh pasture following the hay cut. This grass will be very different from the pasture that they have been grazing for the last few months, and this year it grew well after cutting.
A horse’s digestion is complex and sudden changes in diet can cause problems such as looseness or even colic. We introduced them to the new pasture gradually at first, just a few hours initially, and restricted the available area until they were settled in. Each horse and pasture are different, so if you are not sure about how to make changes then it’s best to get advice to help you make a plan.
We were excited to welcome a new horse to “The Herd”. Yulia is a young Andalusian mare who is here to start her training with me. She has settled in well and is keeping the geldings in order! Since she arrived though, I have had to up my grooming regime, as she has a wonderful long mane and full tail. The hair is very fine and needs regular attention to keep it at looking it’s best. I have found Nettex Mane & Tail Detangler is now an essential part of my grooming kit to ensure it’s easy to comb through and stay in great condition.